Surcharge Free ATM Networks

TDFCU participates in two surcharge free ATM networks which have over 100,000 ATMs throughout the country which our members can use without charge from TDFCU or the owners of the ATMs.

To find a surcharge free ATM near you
click here for CU24 ATMS
click here for Co-op Network ATMs

For additional assistance call (202) 289-1950 or (800) 344-4497 and press 4 to speak to a Call Center Representative or click here to contact us.

Enjoy the advantages of handling your financial needs from the comfort of your home, office, cell phone, or anywhere you like with T-Access. Make transfers to other TDFCU accounts or transfer funds to other financial institutions. As a member of the Treasury Department Federal Credit Union, you have access to one of the best, most capable electronic financial services available in the marketplace. You are the judge, try it and see for yourself.

Mobile Access

Get anytime, anywhere access to your accounts and funds through the TDFCU Mobile App. Download a copy of the Mobile App today from the Apple App store or the Google Play store. Search for Treasury Department Federal Credit Union or TDFCU. You can then access your account, make transfers to other TDFCU accounts or transfer funds to other financial institutions and even receive notifications when deposits or withdrawals are posted to your accounts. You can also sign up for text messages and receive balance information or make transfers by text.

Online Consumer Loan and Home Equity Product Applications

From the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere you have access to a computer, apply online for all of our consumer and home equity lending products. It is easy and fast. For a full description of our loan products click here. Click here to check interest rates.

Click here to apply now or call (800) 344-4497 then press option 4 to speak with a Call Center Representative for more information.

Online Mortgages Applications

When you are ready to purchase a home, refinance your existing home or buy the home of your dreams, apply online. Click here for more information and/or to apply online or call (800) 928-6263 to speak to a Mortgage Origination Representative.

Services Available

  1. Remote Deposit Capture
    Make check deposits anytime of the day or night using your smartphone. No need to go to a branch, find an ATM or use snail mail to make a deposit. Just tap, snap and deposit where and when it’s most convenient for you. Sign into your TDFCU Mobile App and tap the deposit checks to get started. Choose the account and enter the amount of the check, just as you would at an ATM. Tap the front of the check button and take a photo of the front of your check with your smartphone or tablet. Preview your photo and decide if you want to use the photo or delete it and take a new photo. Do the same for the back of the check. Endorse the back of the check. Under your signature add “For Remote Deposit”, then add your member number. Then tap the deposit button to get your confirmation number. You can also get an email confirmation for your records. Make a note on the front of your deposited check that you made a remote deposit and add the date of your deposit. Keep the original secure for 45 days. You can then rip up the check. Rules and limitations apply.
  2. Bill Pay
    No stamps, no envelopes, no problem. Pay your bills any time you want – conveniently, safely, and efficiently without the hassles of writing checks and addressing envelopes; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from your Treasury Department Federal Credit Union account. Click here to go to T-Access, log in to your account,
     and then click on Bill Pay to sign up.
  3. Move Money
    Point, click and move money. Just log in to your account on T-Access (Virtual Branch) and click on Move Money, then transfer funds internally or externally from or to your accounts. It’s fast, easy and effective. Click here to go to T-Access, log in to your account and then click on Move Money.
  4. Manage Money
    A significant enhancement to T-Access, Manage Money is the next generation of online financial management that combines the best of financial management applications with the best of online banking to transform your online experience. Click here to go to T-Access (Virtual Branch) log in to your account and click on Manage Money, then click on Manage Money Product Tour. Take the Tour to learn how to effectively use the service.
  5. Savvy Money
    Take control of your credit with our free online credit monitoring service. You can check and monitor your credit report with no impact on your credit score. Savvy Money provides a full credit report, comprehensive credit score analysis, monitoring, and personalized offers – all in one dashboard inside TDFCU Mobile and Online Banking. It helps you understand your credit score, the factors that impact it, and what you can do to strengthen it. To access this service, go to T-Access log in to your account and click on Credit Score and follow the prompts.
  6. Notifications
    Establish the notifications you desire for information on your account. Click here to go to T-Access (Virtual Branch), log in to your account and click on Additional Services, and click on Mobile Banking Alerts. Select the notifications that are right for you based on the type of account(s) you have. You can have the system send you an email or text message:
    – when your balance is greater than or less than a dollar amount you select.
    – when your certificates are about to mature
    – when your loan payment is almost due
    – when you wish to receive a reminder
  7. Online Statement
    The Treasury Department Federal Credit Union offers T-Statements (Online Statements). Go green and save a tree. Get your monthly financial statements online. Online Statement offers the following benefits:
    – Access up to six months of online statements anytime, anywhere.
    – Get e-mail alerts when the statement becomes available
    – Relax knowing your account information is safe and secure
    – Available in printer-friendly PDF format
    – Can be saved on your home computer
    – Helps keep you organized by eliminating paper
    – Reduce your impact on the environment
    – No Account Maintenance Fee
    Click here to go to T-Access (Virtual Branch) log in to your account and click on Additional Services, then click on Online Statements. Select Go Paperless, don’t send me paper notifications by mail. Also select Notify Me, remind me when statements are available online. Once you are signed up for electronic statements, a few days after month end, just go to our website , enter T-Access (Virtual Branch) log in to your account and click on Online Statement, then select the Online Statement you wish to review.

If you wish to recieve your credit card statement online, just visit one of our branches, contact our Call Center at (800) 344-4497 option 4 or log into T-Access and click on contact us and send us an email.

T-Access offers all these services and much, much more. Experience the power of TDFCU’s T-Access Virtual Branch. Click here to go to T-Access.

TDFCU provides as many methods as possible for our members to access their funds. The Shared Branch Network has over 5,000 participating Branch locations in 40 states. These locations will accept deposits and allow our members to make withdrawals.

To find the Shared Branch location nearest to you click here or call (202) 289-1950 or (800) 344-4497 and press 4 to speak to a Call Center Representative or click here to contact us by email.

Our staff is available to meet your financial needs; answer a question, provide the status of a transaction, transfer or wire funds, apply for a loan or open an additional product. Speak to a Call Center Representative to obtain the assistance you need.

Call (202) 289-1950 or (800) 344-4497 and press option 4 to speak to Call Center Representative.
Hours: 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM – Monday – Friday
8:30 AM to 1:30 PM – Saturday

Visit our branch locations for the service of your choice. Open a new account or apply for a loan. TDFCU has six branches – one full-service branch in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and five full-service branches in the District of Columbia.

  1. Headquarters/Main Branch **
    Treasury Annex, Room 1000
    Pennsylvania Avenue & Madison Place NW
    Washington, DC 20220
    Monday: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  2. Administrative Office/Capitol Hill Branch *
    Paul J. Gist Administrative Office Building
    1101 2nd Street NE
    Washington, DC 20002
    Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  3. Ronald Reagan Branch *
    Ronald Reagan/International Trade Center
    1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW C1-43
    Washington, DC 20004
    Wednesday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  4. OCC Branch **
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
    400 7th Street SW Room 1W-700
    Washington, DC 20219
    Thursday: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  5. Courts Branch **
    Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building
    1 Columbus Circle, NE
    Washington, DC 20544
    Tuesday – Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  6. P.G. Branch **
    Prince George’s County Metro Center
    6505 Belcrest Road, Room 605
    Hyattsville, MD 2078
    Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

* Open access – picture identification required
** Restricted access – For more information, kindly contact a Call Center Representative at (202) 289-1950 or (800) 344-4497 then press 4 or click here to contact us.

TDFCU provides 9 ATMs for our members’ use. There are eight ATMs in the District of Columbia and one in Maryland. Below is a listing of our ATMs.

To provide additional funds access to those who cannot access our ATMs, we are members of two surcharge-free ATM networks that offer over 100,000 surcharge-free ATMs in the U.S. Click here to access CU24 or click here to access Coop Network to find surcharge-free ATM locations.

District of Columbia

  1. Main Treasury Building
    1500 Pennsylvania Ave N.W.
    Washington, DC 20220
    Deposits are not accepted
    Only employees with valid Treasury-issued identification badges can visit the credit union at this location.
  2. Treasury Annex
    701 Madison Place N.W.
    Washington, DC 20220
    Deposits are not accepted
    Only employees with valid Treasury-issued identification badges can visit the credit union at this location.
  3. Paul J. Gist Administrative Office Building
    1101 2nd Street N.E.
    Washington, DC 20002
    Accepts deposits
    There are no current access restrictions.
  4. Ronald Reagan/International Trade Center
    1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
    Washington, DC 20004
    Accepts Deposits
    Valid Identification is required. Currently, we are aware of no additional restrictions.
  5. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
    400 7th Street S.W.
    Washington, DC 20219
    Deposits are not accepted
    Only employees with access to this building can access the OCC Branch and ATM.
  6. Thurgood Marshall Federal Judicial Building
    1 Columbus Circle N.E.
    Washington, DC 20544
    Deposits are not accepted
    Access is restricted to employees with valid identification badges issued by the AOUSC/Federal Court System
  7. USSS – Headquarters **
    950 H Street N.W.
    Washington, DC 20223
    Deposits are not accepted
    Only employees with valid Treasury-issued identification badges can visit the credit union at this location.
  8. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    100 F Street N.E.
    Washington, DC 20549
    Deposits are not accepted
    Only employees with valid Treasury-issued identification badges can visit the credit union at this location.


  1. Bureau of the Fiscal Service
    P.G.Metro Center
    6505 Belcrest Road (Employee Entrance Lobby)
    Hyattsville, MD 20782
    Accepts Deposits
    Members without a valid FMS/Treasury-issued badge can access the ATM in the lobby upon presenting valid photo identification and their TDFCU Debit Card.

Additional Access Information

For more access information, kindly contact a Call Center Representative at (202) 289-1950 or (800) 344-4497 then press option 4 or click here to contact us by email.



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