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Warning!!! – Do not respond to any emails claiming they are from Treasury Department Federal Credit Union. Do not click on any links to provide information. Do not provide any access information or personal information to any request for information. Contact Treasury Department Federal Credit Union by using the email address or numbers listed on our menu under contact us or thru home banking. For additional information, kindly refer to Security Center, also under our menu.

Below are important information on how we provide services to you. Click on the topic below and you will be able to review the documents, agreements and/or descriptions of services.

The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. Inquire at this office regarding the locations where HMDA data may be inspected. To receive a copy of these data send a written request to Treasury Department Federal Credit Union Main Office Room, 1000 Treasury Annex Washington, DC 20220.

Your Ability to Withdraw Funds
Our policy is to make funds from your cash and electronic direct deposits available on the day we receive the deposit.  Checks and other instrument deposits are available on the business day after the day we receive your deposit.  Once available, you can withdraw the funds in cash and we will use the funds to pay any transactions presented to your account for payment.

For determining availability of your deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays.  If you make a deposit before 4 p.m. on a business day that we are open, we will consider that day to be the day of your deposit.  However, if you make a deposit after 4 p.m., or on a day we are not open, we will consider that deposit made on the next business day we are open.

Longer Delays May Apply
In some cases, we will not make all of the funds that you deposit by check available to you on the first business day after the day of deposit.  Depending on the type of check that you deposit, funds may not be available until the fifth business day after the day of your deposit.  The first $225 of your deposits, however, may be available on the first business day.

If we are not going to make all of the funds from your deposit available on the first business day, we will notify you at the time you make your deposit.  We will also tell you when the funds will be available.  If your deposit is not made directly to one of our employees, or if we decide to take this action after you have left the premises, we will mail you the notice by the day after we receive your deposit.

If you will need the funds from a deposit right away, you should ask us when the funds will be available.  In addition, funds you deposit by check may be delayed for longer periods under the following circumstances:

– We believe the check you deposit will not be paid.
– You deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day.
– You redeposit a check that has been returned unpaid.
– You have overdrawn your account repeatedly in the last six months.
– There is an emergency, such as failure of computer or communication equipment.

We will notify you if we delay your ability to withdraw funds for any of these reasons, and we will tell you when the funds will be available.  They will generally be available no later than the ninth business day after the day of your deposit.

Special Rules for New Accounts
If you are a new member, the following special rules will apply during the first 30 days your account is open:

– Funds from cash and electronic direct deposits to your account will be available on the day we receive the deposit.  Funds from deposits in of wire transfers and the first $5,525 of a day’s total deposits of casher’s, certified teller’s, traveler’s and federal, state, and local government checks will be available on the first business day after the day of your deposit, if the deposit meets certain conditions.  For example, the checks must be payable to you (and you may have to use a special deposit slip).  The excess over $5,525  will be available on the ninth business day after the day of your deposit.  If your deposit of these checks (other than U.S. Treasury check) is not made in person to one of our employee, the first $5,525 will not be available until the second business day after the day of your deposit.

– Funds from all other check deposits will be available on the fifth business day after the day of your deposit.

Holds on Other Funds (Check Cashing)
If we cash a check for you that is drawn on another bank, we may withhold the availability of corresponding amount of funds that are already in your account.  Those funds will be available at the time funds from the check we cashed would have been available if you had deposited it.

Hold on Other Funds (Other Account)
If we accept for deposit a check that is drawn on another bank, we may make funds from the deposit available for withdrawal immediately but delay availability to withdraw a corresponding amount of funds that you have on deposit in another account with us. The funds in the other account would then not be available for withdrawn until the time periods that are described elsewhere in this disclosure for type of check that you deposited.

Automated Teller Machine or Kiosk Deposits (Extended Hold)
Funds from any deposits (cash or checks) made at automated teller machines (ATMs) or Kiosk we do not own or operate will not be available until the fifth business day after the day of your deposit.  This rule does not apply to ATMs that we own or operate.

Availability of Funds Deposited at Shared Branch Locations
Funds deposited at a Shared Branch Teller will be available on the second business day after the day of your deposit, unless an exception applies.

Cash Withdrawal Limitation
We reserve the right to require members to schedule large cash withdrawal(s) in advance, especially, if they require specific denominations of bills.  Withdrawal amounts over $15,000 must be scheduled.  We will make every effort to accommodate our member’s request.



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